
How Often You Should Clean Your Carpet?

It is no secret that carpets get dirty. In fact, if you don’t clean them on a regular basis, they can become a health hazard. Not only will your carpet look dingy and be difficult to keep clean, but it will also harbor harmful bacteria and allergens. So, how often should you clean your carpet? That depends on several factors, which we will discuss in this article. We’ll also give you some tips on how to clean your carpet and how to keep it from getting dirty in the first place!

Factors that Determine How Often You Should Clean Your Carpet


There are several factors that will determine how often you should clean your carpet. These include:

The type of carpet you have

Some carpets are more prone to dirt and staining than others. For example, light-colored carpets will show dirt and stains more easily than dark-colored carpets. If you have a light-colored carpet, you may need to clean it more often than a dark-colored carpet. Light-colored carpets should be vacuumed at least once a week and deep cleaned every 12 months, while dark-colored carpets can be vacuumed every two weeks and deep cleaned every 18 months.

The amount of foot traffic

The more foot traffic your carpet gets, the dirtier it will become. If you have a high-traffic area in your home, such as a living room or family room, you may need to clean your carpet more often than a low-traffic area, such as a bedroom. For low-traffic homes we suggest a deep carpet cleaning every 12-18 months. Vacuuming should be done on a weekly basis. Since high-traffic homes can have up to double the foot traffic, we recommend deep cleaning every six to twelve months and vacuuming two to three times a week.


If you have pets, they will likely contribute to the dirtiness of your carpet. Pets can track in dirt and mud from outside, and they can also shed their fur, which can get caught in the carpet fibers. If you have pets, you may need to clean your carpet more often than if you don’t have pets. Homes with pets should be deep cleaned every six months and vacuumed two to three times a week.


Just like pets, kids can track in dirt and mud from outside, and they can also spill food and drinks on the carpet. If you have kids, you may need to clean your carpet more often than if you don’t have kids. A house with kids should be deep cleaned every six months and vacuumed two to three times a week.


Smoking indoors will also contribute to the dirtiness of your carpet. The smoke from cigarettes can settle into the carpet fibers and cause them to discolor over time. If you smoke indoors, you may need to clean your carpet more often than if you don’t smoke. For this reason, we recommend that homes where smoking occurs be deep cleaned every three months and vacuumed two to three times a week.

Having Allergies

If you suffer from allergies, it is especially important to keep your carpet clean. Allergens such as dust, pollen, and pet dander can get trapped in the carpet fibers and cause your allergies to flare up. If you have allergies, you should deep clean your carpet every three months and vacuum it two to three times a week.

Steps to Clean Your Carpet

Now that you know how often you should clean your carpet, let’s talk about the steps you need to take to actually clean it. The first step is to vacuum your carpet. This will help remove any surface dirt and debris. Be sure to vacuum in both directions – back and forth, as well as side to side – to get all the dirt and debris out of the carpet fibers.

After you’ve vacuumed your carpet, it’s time for a deep clean. You can either rent a carpet cleaner or hire a professional carpet cleaning company to do this for you. If you’re going to rent a carpet cleaner, be sure to follow the directions carefully. Using too much soap or water can damage your carpet.

Once you’ve deep cleaned your carpet, it’s important to let it dry completely before walking on it or putting any furniture back in the room. This usually takes about 12 hours.

Steps to Avoid a Dirty Carpet


Now that you know how often to clean your carpet and the steps to take to clean it, let’s talk about how to avoid a dirty carpet in the first place.

Vacuum Regularly

The best way to avoid a dirty carpet is to vacuum it regularly. This will help remove any dirt, dust, and debris before it has a chance to settle into the carpet fibers. We recommend vacuuming at least once a week, but if you have a high-traffic area in your home, you may need to vacuum more often.

Use Doormats

Another way to avoid a dirty carpet is to use doormats. Doormats help remove dirt, dust, and debris from your shoes before you track them into the house. We recommend placing a doormat at every entrance to your home.

Avoid Walking on Carpet with Bare Feet

Another way to keep your carpet clean is to avoid walking on it with bare feet. This will help avoid tracking any dirt, dust, or debris into the house. If you must walk on the carpet with bare feet, be sure to wash your feet before doing so.

Use Area Rugs

Area rugs can also help protect your carpet from dirt, dust, and debris. Area rugs can be placed on top of high-traffic areas to help protect the carpet beneath.


Now that we’ve gone over how often you should clean your carpet and how to avoid a dirty carpet, let’s answer some frequently asked questions about cleaning carpets.

Q: How much is it to rent a carpet cleaner?

A: The cost of renting a carpet cleaner will vary depending on the type of machine you rent and the length of time you need it. Most rental companies charge by the day or week. For a standard-sized room, you can expect to pay about $30-$50 per day or $100-$200 per week.

Q: How much does it cost to hire a professional carpet cleaning company?

A: The cost of hiring a professional carpet cleaning company will also vary depending on the size of your home and the type of service you need. Most companies charge by the square foot. For a standard-sized room, you can expect to pay about $100-$200.

Q: Can I clean my carpet myself?

A: Yes, you can clean your carpet yourself. However, it is important to follow the directions carefully to avoid damaging your carpet. It is also important to let the carpet dry completely before walking on it or putting any furniture back in the room.

Q: Is vacuuming the same as deep cleaning?

A: No, vacuuming is not the same as deep cleaning. Vacuuming helps remove surface dirt and debris, while deep cleaning removes dirt, dust, and debris from the carpet fibers. Deep cleaning is usually done with a rented carpet cleaner or by hiring a professional carpet cleaning company.

Q: What is the average carpet life?

A: The lifespan of a carpet depends on many factors, including the type of carpet, how often it’s vacuumed, and how often it’s cleaned. Most carpets last about five to seven years. However, if you take good care of your carpet, it can last even longer.

Q: Will deep cleaning mess up my carpet?

A: No, deep cleaning will not mess up your carpet. However, it is important to follow the directions carefully to avoid damaging your carpet. It is also important to let the carpet dry completely before walking on it or putting any furniture back in the room.

Q: I have a stain on my carpet. How do I get it out?

A: There are many ways to remove stains from carpets. You can try using a carpet cleaner, white vinegar, or baking soda. You can also hire a professional carpet cleaning company to remove the stain for you.

Q: How often should I have my carpets professionally cleaned?

A: The frequency of professional carpet cleaning depends on many factors, including the type of carpet, how often it’s vacuumed, and how often it’s used. Most carpets should be professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months. However, if you have a high-traffic area in your home, you may need to have your carpets professionally cleaned more often.


In conclusion, you should clean your carpet every six to twelve months. However, there are many factors that can affect how often you need to clean your carpet. Be sure to vacuum your carpet regularly and place a doormat at every entrance to your home. You can also use area rugs to help protect your carpet from dirt, dust, and debris. If you have any questions, be sure to consult a professional carpet cleaning company.


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