
How to Clean a Burnt Pot: Methods and FAQs

No one enjoys cleaning a burnt pot. It’s frustrating and seemingly impossible to get the black gunk off of the pot. However, did you know that there are several methods that you can use to clean a burnt pot? In this article, we will be discussing 5 methods to clean a burnt pot as well as some FAQs about the process. Keep reading for more information!

5 Methods of Cleaning a Burnt Pot


Cleaning a burnt pot doesn’t have to be as difficult as you may think. There are several methods that you can use to clean your pot, and we’ve outlined the most popular methods below.

Method #1: Boiling Water

This is one of the most popular methods for cleaning a burnt pot. All you need to do is fill your pot with water and bring it to a boil.

To perform this cleaning method:

  • Fill your pot with water and place it on the stove.
  • Turn the stove on to high heat and wait for the water to come to a boil.
  • Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat and let the pot sit in the hot water for a few minutes.
  • After a few minutes have passed, use a scrubber to remove the burnt food from the pot.
  • Rinse the pot with hot water and soap to remove any residue.

If the pot still has char on it, you can repeat this process until the pot is clean or add a little baking soda to the water to help loosen the burnt food.

Method #2: Boiling Lemons

This is a similar method to the one above, but instead of using plain water, you’ll be boiling lemon slices in water.

To perform this cleaning method:

  • Fill your pot with water and place it on the stove.
  • Cut up some lemons into thin slices and add them to the pot of water.
  • Turn the stove on to high heat and wait for the water to come to a boil.
  • Once the water is boiling, turn off the heat and let the pot sit in the hot water for a few minutes.
  • After a few minutes have passed, use a scrubber to remove the burnt food from the pot.
  • Rinse the pot with hot water and soap to remove any residue.

Lemons are good for removing stains, so this method is great for getting rid of tough burnt-on food.

Method #3: Soaking in Vinegar or Baking Soda

If you don’t want to boil anything on your stove, you can try soaking your pot in either vinegar or baking soda.

To perform this cleaning method:

  • Fill your pot with water and add either vinegar or baking soda (or both) until the water is saturated.
  • Let the pot soak overnight.
  • In the morning, use a scrubber to remove the burnt food from the pot.
  • Rinse the pot with hot water and soap to remove any residue.

If the burnt parts are still there after soaking, you can try boiling water in the pot (Method #1).

Method #4: Dishwater Detergent


If you have dishwater detergent, you can use it to clean your burnt pot.

To perform this cleaning method:

  • Fill your pot with water and add a tablespoon or two of dishwater detergent.
  • Let the pot sit for a few hours.
  • After a few hours have passed, use a scrubber to remove the burnt food from the pot.
  • Rinse the pot with hot water and soap to remove any residue.

If there is still gunk on the pot after soaking, you can try boiling water in the pot (Method #1).

Method #5: Aluminum Foil

The aluminum foil hack for cleaning a burned pot is both efficient and inexpensive, but it needs a bit more elbow grease than the others. However, we don’t recommend this method for nonstick pans because it will scratch the coating.

To perform this cleaning method:

  • To start, add enough warm water to the pot to cover the blackened area. (You can add dish soap, baking soda, or vinegar.)
  • Roll a small sheet of aluminum foil into a ball
  • Use the abrasive foil ball to scrub the pot until all of the stubborn burnt food residues are gone.
  • When you’re done, recycle the aluminum foil.

This method is best for small areas of burnt food. If your pot is covered in burnt food, you might want to try one of the other methods on this list.


Q: What is the best way to clean a burnt pot?

A: There is no one “best” way to clean a burnt pot. The best method for you will depend on the severity of the burn and what materials you have on hand.

Q: Can you save a burnt pot?

A: In most cases, yes. With a little elbow grease and the right cleaning method, you should be able to remove the burnt food from your pot.

Q: How do I clean a burnt pot without boiling water?

A: You can try soaking your pot in either vinegar or baking soda. Or, you can use dishwater detergent. If you have aluminum foil, you can also use that to scrub the burnt food off of your pot.

Q: My pot is still dirty after I’ve tried to clean it. What should I do?

A: If your pot is still dirty after you’ve tried to clean it, you can try boiling water in the pot (Method #1). Or, you can try soaking your pot in either vinegar or baking soda (Method #3).


Cleaning a burnt pot doesn’t have to be difficult. With the right method and some elbow grease, you can get your pot looking good as new. In this article, we’ve covered five methods for cleaning a burnt pot: boiling water or lemons, soaking in vinegar or baking soda, using dishwater detergent, aluminum foil, or a combination two of the five. We’ve also answered some common questions about cleaning burnt pots. So, next time your pot gets burnt, you’ll know exactly what to do.


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